How Hydration Transforms Skin

Hey boo! I’m glad you’re here to nerd out with me. Let’s get into it,

A main pillar in skin health is hydration. This is a step I PREACH to my clients that I have found gets completely over looked. I also find not enough people are educated on this topic and how relevant it is.

A common misconception is that hydration and moisturizing are the same, and they are not! Erase that thought. Moisturizer has the primary task of protecting your skin against the environment and sealing the skin barrier. Even moisturizers that are formulated to hydrate will not do so efficiently. Even if you don’t think you need it, properly hydrating your skin will produce gorgeous results you would not want to miss out on!!

Hydration keeps skin elastic and plump, aids in anti-aging by preventing fine line from forming in the skin and aids in balancing the skin from being too oily or too dry. Aside from slowing the aging process you will get better results no matter what your goals are acne, hyperpigmentation, eczema, rosacea, you name it-hydration helps it all! Hydrated skin simply functions better. The first thing I do with all of my people is make sure they are educated and, on their path to hydrated skin.

Hydration also works as a vehicle to mobilize your serums and potions into the deeper layers of the skin, which is why it should always be the first step in your routine. Proper hydration added to your day and night routine produces that healthy effortless glow that has become a covetted look even in the world of make-up.

Now that I have your attention, I want you to remember that your skin is an organ. An organ we want to be pretty, but nonetheless, it is doing so many jobs we take for granted. Feeling, detoxing, absorbing, shedding and renewing. Every month you have a new layer of skin all over your body. Just like the brain and kidneys your skin needs hydration to function properly. There are molecules that hold water in the skin and interact with enzymes and proteins to help it perform. The most well heard of being hyaluronic acid.

There are a wide variety of these molecules, called humectants in skincare, glycerin, urea, sodium pca, to name a few. It is best to have a blend of them in your routine. I personally love layering in an intensive hydration mask as a serum. I will usually have a mist, serum, and mask to alternate between in my bathroom.

It is also worthy to note that the skin easily looses water, so much so that there is an acronym for the process -TEWL.


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